About Us

LUXURIATE was created to produce luxury grooming products that MAKE A STATEMENT and stand out from the rest. A luxurious and self indulging sensation that smells good and feels good! Healthy hair equates to healthy living! We work hard to create honest and good quality grooming products. All of our products are made with wholesome organic ingredients, carefully chosen to enhance ultimate hair & beard growth.

Our VISION is to provide premium quality products & services that will enable customers to feel confident, satisfied, happy and also leave a long lasting impression that will never be forgotten. 

Our MISSION is to deliver high quality products to the existing market with our distinctive scent which sets us above the rest as it's UNIQUE and we don't shy away from bringing a longer lasting scent to the market and challenge the existing conditions. 

Our GOAL is to enable men to be confident and fall in love with grooming and looking after themselves, living an active and healthy lifestyle and also walking in to a room MAKING A STATEMENT with their heads held up high. 

Our MOTTO is to 'MAKE A STATEMENT' after using our products it will give you a confident & untouchable feeling, it will also enable you to walk in any room with your head held high knowing you're well groomed using our FINEST products.


We use highly sustainable products that are environmentally friendly, crafted and made by hand which is made from renewable raw materials. Extremely ECO-FRIENDLY.